What Was I Thinking – Blind Date

What Was I Thinking? Bad Boyfriend Stories.

Video adaptations from the book, “What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories”, edited by Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman. From St. Martins Press. This story: Blind Date by Rachel Resnick

What Was I Thinking – The Idealist

What Was I Thinking? Bad Boyfriend Stories.

Video adaptations from the book, “What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories”, edited by Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman. From St. Martins Press. This story: The Idealist by Mary Margaret Martinez

What Was I Thinking – Subtitles

What Was I Thinking? Bad Boyfriend Stories.

Video adaptations from the book, “What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories”, edited by Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman. From St. Martins Press.  This story: Subtitles by Barbara Davilman

What Was I Thinking – Oddly Unhappy Bride

What Was I Thinking? Bad Boyfriend Stories.

Video adaptations from the book, “What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories”, edited by Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman. From St. Martins Press. This story: Oddly Unhappy Bride by Nicole Hollander

What Was I Thinking – Open Season

What Was I Thinking? Bad Boyfriend Stories.

Video adaptations from the book, “What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories”, edited by Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman. From St. Martins Press. This story: Open Season by Katherine Ruppe

MSN Bing – What Was I Thinking


An excerpt from “What Was I Thinking?”  Presented by Bing.

What Was I Thinking_Taped Confessions 1

Caught on Tape! True confessions about really, really bad relationships.

What Was I Thinking -3 Shoes

A new series of videos from the pages of VidLit’s book , “What was I Thinking?!”, that wittily examines that moment in a relationship when a woman realizes, “This is NOT gonna work out!”. True survival stories! What was YOUR moment?
This episode: “What Was I Thinking_3_ Shoes”, by Maira Kalman

A Brief History of Come To Your Senses Day

Discover the newly rediscovered holiday for women. Introspection and drinking are its tenets.

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What Was I Thinking – Butterflies And Martinis

Suspicion, Vodka and a case of Gastric Entymology. By Liz Dubelman

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What Was I Thinking? Invitation

A call to all women! Have a relationship horror story to tell? You may find your story in the new book “What Was I Thinking?!”. Listen to Liz Dubelman of VidLit and Barbara Davilman and write to us!

What Was I Thinking? Handsome

Paying the high price for visceral satisfaction. By Bonnie Bruckheimer

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