Submit Your Story

“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”
― Albert Camus

A VidLit starts with a well-told tale. If you are reading this, you are likely a writer of fiction, creative non-fiction or a poet who is looking for a new outlet. Maybe you haven’t been published before, or not for a while, but you have something to say and a creative way to say it. We want to help. We want to give you a platform and help you with the sometimes icky task of promoting yourself. Our mission is to make fiction and creative non-fiction indispensable. It’s our belief that stories help our lives to make sense.

Our VidLit V-Zine has a growing community of readers and writers, looking for the next great short story.

For that, each author gets:

  • One submission of 2000 words or less.
  • Our e-newsletter.
  • A chance to be published in our V-Zine.
  • The possibility of our turning your story into a VidLit or audio play.

Click the ‘Submit’ button below to get started.
